Continuous Security Testing

A modern approach to a bug bounty program

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The Challenges.

The ethical hacker spends up to 50% of the time on administration.
The ethical hacker rarely has enough time to understand the application.
Lack of collaboration with dev teams for proactive vulnerability detection.


Our approach

Sciber always focuses on bringing value to our customers by maximizing their security investments.

By eliminating administrative tasks and reporting our findings directly through the customer-defined communication channel, we minimize risks and enable retesting without delay, providing better feedback and more value to the engineering teams. Our approach is different yet simple: we execute it continuously, aligned with the modern bug bounty approach.

Continuous Security testing model v.2

Add or remove assets from your scope on demand, anytime

With continuous security testing, our customers have the flexibility to either extend or remove assets from the initial scope, anytime.

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Continuous feedback

We don't simply save our findings in a PDF; instead, we ensure data reusability by maintaining a risk register. With seamless integration into your existing tools, we deliver insights directly to your teams through predefined channels. Additionally, we facilitate prompt action by managing communication with your teams as needed.

Upon request, findings can be summarised to meet compliance requirements, omitting unnecessary administrative details that you shouldn't have to pay for.

Customer value.

Customers are notified immediately through defined channels.
Less time spent on summary reporting, better data over time.
Building a strong culture together with the ethical hackers and engineering teams.

Our different tiers

Tier 1

Continuous Security Testing of one or several external applications

Tier 2

Continuous Security Testing of external and internal applications including white box testing

Tier 3

Everything included in Tier 1 and Tier 2 but with test cases that we help your engineering teams implement

Adapt the DevOps way of working in security testing to test and evaluate the security posture continuously